Elementary/ Intermediate
Course Descriptions
Teachers: Brenda Britton & Ana Allen
Kindergarten is the first impression of school some students will experience. This year is a time when they observe, discover, and make sense of the world around them. Through exploration and investigation, many concepts necessary at this level will be developed and mastered.
Great Bible stories of the Old and New Testaments will be read and discussed. Scripture memory and character traits taught in the Bible will be incorporated throughout the year.
Language Arts (Phonics, Reading, Handwriting)
The curriculum covers the entire alphabet, including recognizing/writing letters and identifying sounds. Phonics-based word recognition and reading at an early age are encouraged. In kindergarten, some children will become independent readers. Focus is given to patterns in print, such as direction, capitalization, and end punctuation. Speaking, listening, and conversational skills will be emphasized as well. Children will learn to respond to others using complete sentences and will be given daily opportunities to speak in front of a group. Listening to great literature and memorizing poetry will be included in each school day.
Children will become familiar with the ten basic digits and higher numerals by counting and grouping objects. Basic money and geometric concepts are introduced as well as units of time and beginning addition. Primary math is approached through analytical reason, manipulatives, memorization, and drill.
Through various hands-on experiences, children will explore their natural curiosity about basic science concepts. Topics may include but are not limited to plants, animals, seasons, weather, air, water, and kitchen science.
Social Studies
Children will explore their relationships within the family, neighborhood, and community. They will learn about holidays, celebrations, basic map skills, and the concept of time as it relates to people and events of the past, present, and future.
Enrichment - K/1
This hour will focus on a variety of learning experiences, which will include developing a love for reading. We will share quality literature and picture books along with games and activities designed to develop our reading skills. Other areas of interest may include but are not limited to basic Spanish and ASL vocabulary and beginning conversation, famous artists and composers along with their cultural backgrounds, and seasonal and holiday themes that occur throughout the year.
Teachers: Stacy Beeler & Ali Wentz
First grade is a year of important transitions — children leave behind much of the play of kindergarten and dive into developing deeper academic skills. First graders progress from having beginner reading and writing skills to becoming independent readers and writers.
We read Bible stories, memorize scripture, sing hymns, and have prayer time.
Language Arts
Students practice phonics, reading, handwriting, creative writing, spelling and language skills. They will follow the Abeka curriculum, but also play learning games, work on independent centers, and write in their journals, along with many other activities.
Students practice number recognition, counting, writing 1-1000, addition and subtraction facts through 13, money, place value, graphs, measurements, time, and temperature. They will follow the Abeka curriculum, but also use manipulatives, hands-on activities, and games to practice their skills.
Students learn by observing, exploring, and experimenting with God’s amazing creations. Some topics studied might include bats, butterflies, arctic animals, and weather.
Social Studies
Students will learn about geography, early settlers, ancient civilizations, and the history of various holidays.
Enrichment - K/1
This hour will focus on developing a love for reading, learning basic Spanish and ASL, and 'meeting' famous artists and composers. We will share quality literature and picture books along with games and activities designed to develop our reading skills. We will learn basic Spanish and ASL vocabulary and beginning conversation. Finally, we will study famous artists and composers along with their cultural backgrounds.
Teachers: Jaime Lambert & Michele Meyer
The second grade core includes Math, Language Arts, Bible, Handwriting, Science and Social Studies. The language arts program has a solid phonics base and we use fun literature to support the learning. The students become fluent readers this year and gain knowledge through reading comprehension. The children will gain more interest in reading through the 2nd grade reading club. Each month the students read a different book and will have a book club review at the end of each month. In math, your child will become an analytical thinker and use his/her thinking skills in more of the math problems. Their skill and speed will increase with addition and subtraction, telling time, counting money, and the fundamentals of multiplication.
Teacher: Emilye Casteel and Erin Sanders
In preparation for the intermediate grades, students will refine basic fine motor skills and lay the foundations for future studies in language arts, math, American history, and science. Creative writing, brief essays, cursive handwriting, grammar and spelling will be covered in the language arts curriculum. Spanning the years from Columbus to modern day, a variety of literature, writing, and hands-on activities will encompass the history lessons. While the science studies combine experiments, projects, detailed sketches and laboratory notes. Bible and mathematics round out the block subjects for 3rd graders.
Language Arts
Teacher: Danielle Graham
4th grade English focuses on three areas: reading comprehension, writing, and grammar. As we read novels, we use context clues to determine unknown words, identify main ideas with supporting details, and begin to recognize main themes in literature. We hone writing skills to compose solid paragraphs—including a good topic statement with supporting sentences—and move from there to multiple paragraph essays. Along with composing paragraphs, we utilize the writing process: brainstorming, using an outline, writing a rough and a final draft, and revising/editing.
Teacher: Lora Schultze
Intermediate Math will develop your student's understanding of addition, subtraction, patterns, graphs, multiplication, time, measurement, division, geometry, fractions, and decimals. We will be working on one main topic at a time, with regular cumulative reviews. Conceptual and practical understanding are emphasized, while using visual models and plenty of skill exercises. We will also play group games, work with partners, and work regularly on basic math facts and word problem skills. Students will have Monday and Friday assignments to complete at home, with most or all tests taken in class.
ScienceTeacher: Janice Schmadeke
Science 4 allows students to explore creation through an understandable and engaging presentation of text, diagrams, photographs, and illustrations. The curriculum offers interactive experiments, projects, and activities. Some of the topics covered include: ecosystems, plants, insects, the eye, the digestive system, and principles of motion and energy.
Social Studies
Teacher: Natalia Wallace
“Indiana in the Nation and the World” Students study Indiana history and its relationships to regional, national, and world communities. They consider the influence of physical and cultural environments on the state's growth and development and the principles and practices of citizenship and government in Indiana.
Language Arts
Teacher: Danielle Graham
Like 4th grade, 5th grade English highlights reading comprehension, writing, and grammar. Through novels, students recognize main themes in literature, are introduced to literary devices, learn the characteristics of different genres, and identify a story’s conflict. They hone writing skills through multiple paragraph reports, descriptive essays, persuasive letters, and basic literary analysis.
Teacher: Lora Schultze
Intermediate Math will use a homeschool-friendly process to develop your student's understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, problem solving, decimals, graphing, statistics, fractions, and geometry. We will be working on one main topic at a time, with regular cumulative reviews. Conceptual and practical understanding are emphasized, while using visual models and plenty of skill exercises. We will also play group games, work with partners, and work regularly on basic math facts and word problem skills. Students will have Monday, Wednesday and Friday assignments to complete at home, with most or all tests taken in class.
Teacher: Janice Schmadeke
Science 5 continues building on the foundation of science facts and skills for the further study of science in the upper grades. The colorful curriculum, filled with photographs, charts, diagrams, and illustrations, balances the presentation of facts with hands-on activities in order to promote understanding and instill in your child a love of learning. Topics include the following: minerals, fossils, matter, light, weather, ecosystems, the human body and much more. All lessons are presented within a Biblical worldview to help your child develop knowledge of God.
Social StudiesTeacher: Natalia Wallace
“The United States - The Founding of the Republic”. Students study the history of the United States to 1800, focusing on the influence of political, geographical, economic, and cultural factors on early development. Emphasis is placed upon the study of American Indian cultures, exploration, colonization, settlement, and the founding period that produced the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Language Arts
Teacher: Danielle Graham
In 6th Grade English, students continue to hone reading comprehension, writing, and grammar skills to prepare for middle school. While implementing the writing process, essays focus on narratives with plot elements, argumentative analysis comparing texts, and informative compositions using relevant details and facts as support. Grammar builds on previously learned skills. Through novels, poems, short stories, and factual texts, students find key ideas through textual support, understand how structure contributes to understanding, and synthesize different genres.
Teacher: Lora Schultze
Intermediate Math will use a homeschool-friendly process to develop your student's understanding and review of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, expressions and equations, decimals, ratios, percents, factoring, fractions, integers, geometry, and statistics. We will be working on one main topic at a time, with regular cumulative reviews. Conceptual and practical understanding are emphasized, while using visual models and plenty of skill exercises. We will also play group games, work with partners, and work regularly on basic math facts and word problem skills. Students will have Monday, Wednesday and Friday assignments to complete at home, with most or all tests taken in class.
ScienceTeacher: Janice Schmadeke
Science 6 is an engaging and interactive class that covers topics such as earthquakes and volcanoes, weather and erosion, natural resources, cells, scientific classification, atoms and molecules, the solar system, and genetics. Your child will consider each topic within a biblical worldview and will develop critical thinking skills along with other science process skills such as classifying, inferring, communicating, measuring, experimenting, and collecting and recording data.
Social StudiesTeacher: Natalia Wallace
Peoples, Places, and Cultures in the Americas and Europe including geographical, historical, economic, political, and cultural relationships. The areas emphasized are Geography, Canada, Latin America, and Western Europe.