Frequently Asked Questions
Northpoint Christian Academy is a resource for homeschool families and is not accredited. Parents are responsible for keeping and maintaining their student's transcripts. Our Academics Director hosts a transcript workshop meeting each year to assist families with record keeping and our online grading system keeps a record of grades for parents.
On the at-home days, we ask for at least one parent or guardian to commit to being present to homeschool their student(s). In the primary grade levels, the parent or guardian at home will co-teach with the instructor at Northpoint, covering the lessons designated for the at-home days. As each student progresses through the grade levels, your role at home shifts to one of a facilitator. You will eventually oversee the completion of your student(s) work, and the classroom instructor will take over the actual instruction. Our purpose in this is two-fold. First, it starts training your student to be an independent worker who takes responsibility for the tasks before him or her. Second, it frees you from having to relearn Pre-Calculus or Anatomy and Physiology in order to teach upper-level subjects effectively.
Students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade will have a Bible curriculum incorporated into their day with lessons to complete at home with parents. 4th-6th grade students have multiple Bible classes offered for their elective hours and all 7th-12th grade students attend an Equip chapel each Wednesday with interactive lectures and discussion groups to develop a Biblical worldview.
Students are NOT required to have a specific device for in-class days. Our program utilizes textbooks, pens, and paper and e-learning is not a part of our curriculum. We have an online learning management system called Schoology that students and parents will use to track assignments, and grades, take some tests, and message teachers. Your student will need access to a device to complete assignments, write papers, and do research, but we do not require a device at school.
Northpoint is a ministry of Project Revival and in an effort to protect our program's freedom and commitment to Biblical teaching, we do not accept School Choice vouchers. Fundraising and benevolent donations through Project Revival help bridge the gap between the cost of tuition and the actual cost of an education at Northpoint Christian Academy. This generosity allows us to offer a limited number of partial scholarships or discounts each year.
Families can choose to pay tuition in full or through a monthly billing plan so that tuition can be broken up into 11 monthly payments each year.
Keep in mind that we consider our program to be a five-day-per-week model with three in-class days and two at-home days. This makes our tuition very affordable compared to the pricing of traditional private schools.
While under certain circumstances, Northpoint can be a good fit for students with learning challenges, we are not equipped or specifically trained in this area. Students must be able to conduct themselves in the classroom without being a disruption and must also be able to complete the work outlined in each course description.
Students must be able to conduct themselves in the classroom without being a disruption and must also be able to complete the work outlined in each course. For example, many classes require presentations in front of the teacher and peers as part of the class grade. If the student is unable to complete the assignment, he or she will be unable to earn points for that presentation.
Northpoint’s attendance policy is outlined in the student handbook. Exceptions to the attendance policy (a maximum of four (4) days per semester) can be requested through the administration. Upon administrative approval, a written plan will be put in place by the teacher(s) outlining expectations for the completion of all missed work.
Northpoint is a ministry of Anchored Ministries, Inc. and is not directly affiliated with a church. Our program has a ministry partnership with Hope Church for use of the building and campus.
Immunization records are not mandatory.
Tuition includes a full day of classes for Kindergarten through 6th grade and study halls are not available. Students in 7th-12th grade have access to study halls each hour and can enroll in up to two study halls in their schedule.
No, the enrollment fee is non-refundable.
Northpoint provides quarterly grades that can be downloaded from our online learning management system, but each parent is responsible for maintaining their student’s transcript. We do offer a transcript workshop every spring to assist families.
Students must be in good standing with any previous school or homeschool program in order to be considered for enrollment at Northpoint.
Want additional information about Northpoint Homeschool Academy?
Please take moment to set up a call or meeting with a member of our team.