Course Catalog
Teacher: Bobbie Griffin
Our Preschool classroom will provide opportunities for your child to use hands-on activities to explore and learn. Our day is designed to provide creative play and sensory centers as well as formal small group instruction. We will explore our world through…
Language/Literacy - We will tie the letter of the week into the theme. Our focus will be on upper- and lower-case letter recognition, phonics sound, and handwriting. We will use books, sensory bin, games, etc.
Math & Science - We will work on number recognition, shapes and colors. We will study the amazing world of God’s creation through observation and experiments.
Art - We will create free art, process art, and directed art. The children will explore many types of art medium and practice preschool skills.
Sensory - We have a sensory corner where the children can explore with beans, rice, beads, etc. They will have opportunities to pour, measure, and play. Mix in items will be used to enhance the letter of the week and the theme. We will also use shaving cream, playdough, and other messy but fun activities.
Dramatic/Unstructured Play - We have many toy options including a play kitchen, play house, trains, cars, blocks, etc. We will have whole group instruction at circle time and break up into smaller groups to do centers. Our goal is to give the children many different ways to interact with each other to gain social skills and gain mastery in preschool skills.
Textbooks:A $30 textbook fee will be added in Brightwheel and the curriculum will be distributed each week.
Optional resources parents may purchase for home:
Student supplies needed:Shared items for classroom (no need to write your name):
1 box of JUMBO crayons (16 count)
1 package black dry erase markers
3 washable glue sticks
1 watercolor 8 count set
Personal items for the classroom (please put your name on each item):
1 folder with prongs (any color or design)
1 set of change of clothes in a zip lock bag with your child's name on it.
1 small blanket to be kept in their backpack (for quiet time)
Backpack and Lunch Box
Reusable water bottle (we have refilling stations for students to fill up their water bottles)
Wish List:Kleenex tissues
Fun markers or crayons
Wet wipes
Teacher: Sarah DeGolyer
Our Pre-Kindergarten classroom will provide an environment where your child can learn, play, and prepare for Kindergarten. Our day is organized around hands-on learning centers that explore language & literacy, math & science, art, dramatic play, sensory, and play.
Math & Science - We will work on matching, sorting, patterns, identifying numbers, counting, one-to-one correspondence, and shapes through manipulatives, games, and activities. We will also learn about the world around us through experiments and activities.
Literacy/Language - We will have letter-based themes where activities and books are tied to what we are learning. We will focus on letters, their sounds, and handwriting. We will work with lacing letters, magnetic letters, phonics games, puzzles, letter stamps, and other literacy manipulatives.
Art - We will do theme-based art projects along with process art where the children will have the freedom to explore art materials and create their masterpieces.
Sensory - We will play with playdough, rice, beans, shaving cream, beads, and kinetic sand.
Dramatic/Unstructured Play - The children will have a variety of toys to play with such as a train table with trains, blocks, legos, puzzles, dollhouse, play kitchen, foam blocks, vet kit with animals, castle, magnetic sticks, and lincoln logs to name a few.
Through centers, your child will gain social skills by learning to work with others, share, communicate, and listen. They will also strengthen their fine motor skills by using tweezers, tongs, scissors, sewing/lacing cards, stringing beads, unifix cubes, coloring, and pegboards. In addition to centers, your child will have carpet time. They will listen to bible stories, dance to music, watch educational videos based on current themes (i.e. life stages of a butterfly or a trip to outer space), participate in calendar time, and so much more!
Textbooks:2. Abeka ABC-123: K4 Phonics and Numbers
Optional resources parents may purchase for home:
2. Abeka Number Concept Flashcard 1-20
Student supplies needed:Shared Items for classroom (no need to write your name):
1 box of JUMBO crayons
2 boxes of washable markers (10 count)
2 glue sticks
2 washable dry erase markers (any color)
Personal items for the classroom (please put your name on each item):
1 folder (any color or design)
1 clipboard
1 set of change of clothes in a zip lock baggie (in case of an accident)
Backpack & Lunch box
Reusable water bottle (we have refilling stations for students to fill up their water bottles)
A towel or small blanket to use for nap/quiet time
Wish List:Kleenex tissues
Wet wipes
Coloring books
Silly scent markers or crayons