Athletic Programs

Northpoint Athletics Mission

Northpoint Athletics is grounded in our mission to educate, equip and empower student-athletes to pursue academic excellence, understand and embrace Biblical truth, find their God-given purpose, and live out the calling God has placed on their lives. With this vision driving our athletic programs, the goal is to pursue athletics in such a way that glorifies God.

  • Boys Volleyball

    Interest assessments and skills development starting in October. Practices will start February 19.

    Grades: 6th-12th

  • Girls Volleyball

    Summer open gyms start in June.

    Season: End of July through October.

    Grades: 5th-12th

  • Boys Basketball

    Season: Middle of October through February.

    Grades: 6th-12th


  • Girls Basketball

    Season: Middle of October through February.

    Grades: 6th-12th


  • Winter Cheerleading

    Our winter cheerleading cheers for both our boys and girls Panthers basketball teams.

    Season: Middle of October through February.

    Grades: 6th-12th

  • Cross Country

    More information coming soon.

Local Homeschool Athletic Programs

Many of our Northpoint Homeschool students play sports with these outside organizations and some students will attend games.

  • Girls Softball

    Marlins Homeschoool Softball is a high school varsity softball team that plays a full spring schedule against Indiana high schools. If they have enough players, they also schedule JV games.


  • Boys Baseball

    The Indianapolis Kings Baseball Organization is a private, Christian club organized to provide homeschooled boys an opportunity to participate in competitive baseball on the junior high and high school levels under the tutelage of Christian coaching and in an environment of Biblical principles.